Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Today was Mother's Day, so we celebrated it in the evening along with celebrating Jay's confession of faith :o) Our beautiful Mother :D
Daddy- O taking it easy
Paul and Jenn called us on skype-so technically they were there celebrating with us.

Awww :D
And the cake


Household of Faith said...

nice to see a new post! too bad that we were not able to be there to celebrate with y'all. looks like you had a nice time. love the pics, everyone looks so nice. So that is why you took a picture of us while we were on skype. hope you saved us some cake! ;0)

Danielle said...

Glad to see a new post finally! Altho it looks like everyone was there but me. But I was there too=0)

Anonymous said...

Danielle I never got a picture ! I got one of squeakers though so he is representing you.